With credit rates rising, paying for purchases on your credit card is becoming increasingly more expensive. Now more than ever, customers are taking advantage of competitive rates and rewards by paying American Express for high-value and service-based purchases.
If you opt for a broker who cannot accept payment using American Express (Amex), this could leave you having to pay via BACS, a debit card or higher interest credit card.
Fortunately, at Stanhope we do accept Amex payments. Our Amex-paying customers have been making their money go further by growing their Avios points and redeeming them against everyday purchases and bigger spends.
So, why not increase your rewards with your annual high-value home insurance purchase?
Let your high-value home insurance contribute to a European city break
Stanhope customers who paid using Amex racked up a collective 1.3 million Avios points in just one year. Those Avios points earned can be redeemed against flights, travel, hotels, car hire, and so much more.
With an average Amex spend of just under £2,000 at Stanhope, you could put your Avios points towards a weekend getaway or city break.
So, don’t settle for paying more for less. Pay for your Stanhope high-value home insurance, luxury watch or jewellery insurance with Amex and get rewarded instead.
If you’re an American Express customer and are interested in any of our protection products, you can get a free online quote. Alternatively, contact one of our friendly expert advisers at 01730 777600.
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Stacey Sullivan was very helpful in finding us the right insurance for our home and contents which had various complications which she solved easily. She was clear with explanations and had thorough understanding of all matters!
Verified Reviewer, 5 star, March 2024